District Departments » Business Services » Grant Resources

Grant Resources


All grants to be used by or in any school or unit within the Wm. S. Hart Union High School District are required to be reviewed and approved by the Board of Education prior to the acceptance or receipt of any grant funds. The process for obtaining board of Education approval is:

  • A completed WSHUHSD Grant Abstract Form must be submitted to the Chief Financial Officer’s Office at least 15 days prior to the Board Meeting at which the application will be reviewed for approval. The person identified on the form as responsible for managing the grant is responsible for obtaining the required signatures on the completed form prior to submission.
  • A Board item, including a copy of the grant abstract, a grant budget and a description of the grant must be submitted at least 10 days prior to the Board Meeting at which the proposal will be reviewed for approval.

We understand that it is sometimes difficult to meet the advance deadlines for submission of a grant proposal to the Board for prior approval, especially when the turnaround time for preparation of a proposal is so short. For this reason, you are urged to contact the CFO’s office at (661) 259-0033 ext. 242 as early as possible in the grant development process.

